Ce mois ci c'est Chimiyo et son label NRG Discs qui nous a fait l'honneur de participer pour une heure à notre show sur la Radio. Le batteur et producteur Chiminyo, une des têtes de proue de la scene Uk Jazz (is it really jazz?), nous présente son projet NRG2, sa façon à lui de montrer que cette scène au delà d'une expression musicale est une source d'énergie, de création et de renouvellement. Le projet nait de l'improvisation des musiciens qui l'entourent (membres de Blue Lab Beats, Ezra Collective, Gary Bartz, Celeste, Nightmares on Wax...).
So with this in mind, he set about to explore, celebrate and harness this NRG in its purest form. No labels, no promoters, no industry, no control. Just Chiminyo and members of his musical community exchanging (strictly improvised) NRG with audiences and capturing the spontaneous beauty to be shared with the world.
"You can really feel the vibrant NRG of the capital pulsating throughout. It is incredible to think this record is improvised, because each tune comes across as a carefully sculpted master-piece, a clear testament to the incredible musicians on the line-up. "
About NRG 2
Chiminyo - Drums
James Mollison - Saxophone
Axel Kaner-Lidstrom - Trumpet
David Mrakpor - Keys/Bass Guitar
Wonky Logic - Bass Synth/Synthesisers
+ featured vocalists
Dunja Botic (Mirrors)
Plumm (We Fall)
Solomon O.B (Changing Shape, Pressure)